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Judy Wood
This page last updated, May 21, 2007
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[Note: References and Sources will be posted and figure numbers will be corrected (in sequential order) when this paper is finished .]
(originally posted: May 16, 2007)
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A. USGS - Dust B. USGS - Ferric and Ferrous Dust C. USGS - Clays and other Materials Map D. USGS - Organic Compounds Map E. USGS |
Map of Sample Locations
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A. USGS - Dust
Source: OFR 01-0429: World Trade Center USGS Dust/Debris Plume Map Maps of dust and debris show asymmetric distribution of materials.The map images on this page (Dust Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with spectral shapes similar to the spectra of field samples of dust and debris collected around the lower Manhattan area. These materials/minerals include common building materials; therefore, the maps may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that appears to show the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. Further, the debris map qualitatively agrees with on scene observations 2 days after the imaging spectroscopy data were acquired. Production of a dust/debris map was challenging because building materials are similar all over the city (e.g. concrete occurs in many locations). However, the pulverized dust/debris does have some general spectral characteristics that can be used. Spectra of the field samples shows a general range of spectral characteristics (Dust Figure 3). Samples WTC01-37B and WTC01-37Am are concrete that display ferrous iron absorptions (most likely due to the aggregate). The spectrum of concrete minus the aggregate is shown in sample WTC01-37A: the cement shows less ferrous absorption. Pervasive in the spectra of the debris is gypsum, and with the variations in abundance of other components, spectra of the dust and debris show the spectral variations seen in Dust Figure 3. We mapped for these general spectral shapes over the spectral range 0.5 to 2.4 microns. The ultraviolet was not included because scattering from smoke affects shorter wavelengths to much. The strategy proved effective. The maps should not be interpreted as indicating that these specific materials were mapped, only that the spectral shape is similar. However, red and yellow colors indicate areas showing more ferrous-like absorptions, and this is apparent in the WTC core zone where many steel girders dominate. Green copper roofs have a similar absorption to ferrous minerals, so they would map as red or yellow. Two versions of the dust/debris map are shown (Dust Figure 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). Dust Figure 2a, b is the same as Dust Figure 1a, b but without the grey-scale image background. Dust Figure 2a, b allows one to see the mapped materials without the apparent clutter of the grey-scale image. The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. It is difficult to locate the outer boundary of the dust/debris because of the problem of matching common materials throughout the city. The reference spectra used for matching the dust/debris was:
Map of Sample Locations
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Dust Figure 1b. Dust/Debris plume map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. | Dust Figure 2b. Dust/Debris plume map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
B. USGS - Ferric and Ferrous Dust
OFR 01-0429: World Trade Center USGS Ferric-Ferrous Map Images of the World Trade Center site show significant patterns of materials with spectral absorptions near 1-micron.
Iron Figure 1a. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map. | Iron Figure 1b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
Iron Figure 2a. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, without the image background so the mapped materials are easier to see. | Iron Figure 2b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
"The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite.
Fe-bearing minerals are common in the aggregate in concrete. The Fe-absorptions appear in spectra of the debris samples and are prominent in spectra of the concrete debris. To see laboratory spectra of the dust and debris samples, CLICK HERE. "
Iron Figure 1b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. | Iron Figure 2b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
Map of Sample Locations
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C. USGS - Clays and other Materials Map
OFR 01-0429: World Trade Center USGS Vibrational Processes Map Images of the World Trade Center site show patterns of materials with spectral absorptions due to vibrational processes.
Vibrational Figure 1a. Vibrational absorption features map. | Vibrational Figure 1b. Vibrational absorption absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
Vibrational Figure 1b. Vibrational absorption absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. | Vibrational Figure 1b. Vibrational absorption absorption features map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
Map of Sample Locations
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D. USGS - Organic Compounds Map
Source: OFR 01-0429: World Trade Center USGS Organic Components Map Images of the World Trade Center site show patterns of materials with spectral absorptions indicating the presence of C-H (organic) compounds.
CH Figure 1a. Organic materials absorption map. | CH Figure 1b. Organic materials absorption map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
CH Figure 2a. Example spectra of CH compounds used to map the organics in CH Figure 1. The colors of the spectra match the colors of the materials on the map.
CH Figure 2b. More spectra of CH compounds used to map the organics in CH Figure 1. The colors of the spectra match the colors of the materials on the map.
CH Figure 2c. More spectra of CH compounds used to map the organics in CH Figure 1. The colors of the spectra match the colors of the materials on the map.
CH Figure 1b. Organic materials absorption map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. | CH Figure 1b. Organic materials absorption map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. |
Map of Sample Locations
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© 2006-2007 Judy Wood. All rights reserved. |
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