Lone Gunman
"The pilot episode, which first aired on FOX TV,
4, 2001, and concerned a terrorist plot to fly
a hijacked airplane into the World
Trade Center towers."
Trivia for "The Lone Gunmen" (2001) - IMDb
Is it incompetence or malace?
Condoleezza Rice was our National Security Adviser, at that time.
Just seven years earlier, a suicide hijacker successfuly
crashed into the White House! |
1994: "A 38-yearold man with a history of alcohol
and substance abuse stole a small private aircraft from an airport in Maryland
and intentionally crashed it into the White House. Although no one was
harmed or killed (except the man himself, who died in the crash, thought
to have been a deliberate act of suicide), the incident highlighted the
buildingâs vulnerability to a determined÷and suicidal÷adversary." |