I wonder who the suits are? (lower right)
Wow, what A HOT spot in WTC2! (I'm referring to that area around
the white fog, just to the left of the white crane's cab.) This looks
like where the north wall of WTC2 should be, relative to the standing "wheat
chex" of the outer columns on the western face. I don't think they
can get near it. Also, look at those core columns being stacked up
(lower right) -- but not for long, I'm sure!
Wait! After looking at picture [wtc050.jpg], which shows
a north-face "wheat chex" leaning against the building, I wonder if that
hot spot is the core-column area of WTC2?
They're preparing to load up more core columns (as soon as the
next ones are ready to load). Note the wooden 4x4 posts on the flat
bed trucks.
Now, this street is clean enough to eat off of! Note the
police officer on the lower-right side of the picture.
Amazing layers of dust on that ledge of the building, especially
on that diagonal corner section.
Here is an interesting pattern of missing windows vs. damage.
Notice those missing windows on the far right (lower windows), while
there appears to be no damage to the building. Hmmm... as if this
was caused by a strong blast of air.
Those beams sticking out of that corner look interesting.
They look like a stake that was driven through a big monster. ;-)
It's amazing that the windows adjacent to it weren't busted out.
Check out those core columns on the left side, nicely stacked, ready
to be carted away. That guy with the yellow hat looks like he's guarding
the scene. Why?
Up high, on the building that was facing the south side of WTC2, notice
how the windows near the top look blasted out. I think the white
we see is vertical hanging blinds. So, why don't we see them on the
lower floors? The lower floors look like "stuff" was thrown at the
building, like throwing an egg and having it go splat. This damage
has a dark-green appearance. Those upper floors have a distinctively
different appearance. (I think one of those callers to the CBS show
I recorded was on the 32nd floor of this building, and described the plane
strike on WTC2. He was the really scared one who wanted to go home.
He said he'd been in his office since 7am and had seen "everything unfold."
That was before WTC2 "fell." I hope he got out.)
Also, remember the arial photo I have of this building, showing "beams"
on the roof (which are probably the aluminum cladding). If these
beams "fell" off the building when it collapsed, why doesn't it look like
no beams hit the top 10 floors? I think the damage in the upper
floors (with visible white blinds) is the result of a big air blast.
Also, notice the edge of the building on the far right. Windows are
only busted out on those lower floors. The upper floors look ok.
Those flood lights on the red crane look reasonable.
Whoever hung those miniblinds on the top floor did a good job of securing
them! :-)
Gee, with a raging fires just below the top floor, those miniblinds
look really good! They must be fireproof. :-]
Now, this is what fire damage to a building looks like! (I think this
is WTC5, maybe WTC6.)
Check out those flood lights on the building. Hey, you wouldn't
want anyone looting the place. Ummm... why do you need to light a
building you're going to take down with explosives? Are they planting
explosives at night?
Core columns still in place. Wow! Check out that heat!
Isn't it amazing that the building on the left, with all of its
fire damage, isn't smoldering like the WTC pile is??? And, unlike
the WTC beams, that building on the left has bent beams! It appears
that chunks of WTC1 landed on it, which overloaded the structure, causing
the beams to bend. But, they took a licking and kept on ticking.
Why did those core columns "break?" They look so straight.
If they failed from overload, they should be bent.
Here's a beautiful picture of some core columns. They are impressively
straight. I can't be sure when the burn marks occurred, but the top
one looks like it was cooked in a few places. (like a cutting torch
got near it)
Why are those ends so straight? Why are they so smooth?
It doesn't look like a joint goes there. [Click here
for a zoomed-in view of the beams.]
WOW!!! I've seen these burn marks on the "stacked up" core
columns, but I think this one (below the truck tires and orange crane)
surely supports explosives were used to cut it.
[Click here
for a zoomed-in view of the beams.]

#68, #69
This looks like a generator or maybe an elevator motor? If
it's an elevator motor, why doesn't it look damaged? Wouldn't that
"jet fuel" blasting down the elevator shaft have blown it up? ;-)
Here they are, making their way toward the goal... to get those core
columns before someone gets them for evidence. Note the cooler and
more dangerously balanced outer columns still standing. Why don't
they get those first? Why the urgent drove for the core columns?
Also, You'll notice that those core columns never stack up much.
They are probably removed within an hour of having them laid out.
Is that a policeman? (Left side of photo, appearing like the jaws
of the machine are about to get him, but he's further back. He doesn't
look like a workman!)
What do you suppose those guys are doing in the yellow cage, dangling
above the pile? Why are they in the cage and not on the ground?
Perhaps the ground is too hot? So why not work on a cooler area,
first. There's plenty of work to be done in the cooler areas, still.
So, dudes, why the rush? [Click here
for a zoomed-in view of the beams.]
That segment of the core that's still standing looks to show evidence
against a "simple collapse." If the building pancaked down, why isn't
this elevator shaft packed with stuff? It should have been "impacted"
with stuff. This was even more obvious in the earlier pics.
Hey, the javelin is still there, standing tall by the corner of the
"wheat chex."
I still have yet to see a bent core column!
Wow. The remains are so pulverized. It even looks like
the metal on the right side of this pile looks shredded! I think
this is WTC2 -- and that it's too hot to deal with, yet.
[Click here
for a zoomed-in view of the beams.]